Contents | < Browse | Browse >
Open the converter window.
If you want to do it the easy way just load the session file!
{LOAD Session cha_wipe.session}
All settings are made automaticly, you jut need to start converting.
You can do this for all 9 animations but ...
We want to get to know how the program works, so ...
we will NOT use this files but do everything ourselves!
Select Single Pictures as Input Type.
{INPUT TYPE Pictures}
Select YAFA Animation as Output Type.
Select the following YAFA Options:
{SPEED 2} [3]
{Compressor FAST}
{Uncompressed Frames 1}
{UC-Mode Delta}
Close the YAFA-Options.
{CLOSE YAFA-Options}
{PREVIEW Screen} and
Add the directory with the 60 pictures for the CHA anim:
{ADDDIR wftut:halve_size/frames/chA}
{CLOSE Related Options}
Choose the name for the animation:
{OUTPUT Browse}
Open the
First of all we want the Animation CHA to fly from the left side into the
screen. Furthermore we want to fade this animation.
So we create a black screen as background.
Now we edit create-image.
{DOUBLECLICK CreateImage} (in the list) or {EDIT}
Now we make the following selections:
{WIDTH 176} [352] ... width of the Animation
{HEIGHT 144} [288] ... height of the Animation
{OUTPUT Temp1} ... buffer for the black picture
Now we select for all 4 colors the rgb-values 0. The color-gadgets will be
displayed in their right colors if you work on an 256 color-screen.
Otherwise you will NOT see their right colors. Just look at the values,
they have to be 0,0,0.
To get the needed coordinates in a very easy way just do the following
f.i. add CreateImage effect. Select the effect. (like described some lines
{OPEN Single-Picture-Process}
{INPUT wftut:halve_size/frames/cha/pic.0001}
Using Apply Dimensions the sizes of the picture will be used for the
effect. Thats for instance the size for the CreateImage effect and the
centre coordinates for the twirl and rotate effect.
{CLOSE CreateImage-Options}
Now we create some variables.
{ADD left}
{ADD mix}
We are looking at the envelopes-window.
Let`s add two points:
{ADD PNT Klick into the window}
{ADD PNT Klick into the window}
The change the position of the first poin we select it:
{KLICK on the 1. point}
{X = 0} (just write it into the correspondending gadget)
{Y = -160.00}
Select the second point.
{KLICK on the 2. point}
{X = 5}
{Y = 0}
Select the 3. point.
{KLICK on the 3. point}
{X = 60}
{Y = 0}
Choose bezier as interpolation method.
For the following variables you follow these steps exactly. I use a short
form of writing the down. Have a look at these examples for the variables
you created a minute ago.
Variable: left
Points: 3
Nr. 1: 0, -160
Nr. 2: 5, 0
Nr. 3: 60, 0
Interpolation: bezier
Lets come to the second variable.
2. Variable:
Variable: mix
Points: 3
Nr. 1: 0, 0
Nr. 2: 20, 100
Nr. 3: 60, 100
Interpolation: bezier
{CLOSE Envelope}
{CLOSE Variables}
Now we add a compose effect:
{EDIT compose}
{BACKGROUND Temp1} ... generated picture in Temp1
{FOREGROUND Stream} ... Animation in Stream
{DESTINATION Stream} ... destination -> Animation
{ALPHA none} ... Alpha Channel
{GENLOCK none}
{LEFT left} ... Using the gadget VAR you choose our created variable left
as the value for the LEFT position of the animation.
Within our 60 frames the front animation will move from
the left side (-160) into the screen (0).
{TOP 0} ... The animation will stay on the same heigth all the time.
{MIX mix} ... Within the 60 frames we change the value of mix from 0
to 100. Mix 100 means you will only see the pictures
in front of the background pictures - and these are the
frames of the animation!
{CENTREX off}... pics will NOT be centred
{CENTREY off}... pics will NOT be centred
{MODE Color}
Now we made all settings, so press the CONVERT gadget in the converter
Depending on the speed of your computer you may drink a cup of coffee or
just look how the animation is created.
The 60 24-Bit pictures will be wiped, fadet, ditherd and saved in 5-Bit.
From the Part 2 I will tell you only the important things
as you should know by know how the whole thing is working!